What's in your trash?
Saturday, February 25, 2012 | Author: Unknown

More Progress
Saturday, February 25, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Here are some new photos of my cabinets:
cabinet #2
For those of you wondering what my kitchen looks like (MOM)

I apparently found two cockroaches in my condo, so I had to buy some traps and put them out. Ugh, but the weird thing is that the roaches were upstairs. . . not in the kitchen.
These next photos are basically for my mom, who believes I haven't made any progress with this lifestyle change. I am still working on my living room and dining area, but for the most part it's done.
My bedroom
My master bath
Closet (I don't need anymore clothes mom)
My study's closet
I have been working on every room of my condo, reducing first and then organizing what I am keeping.
I have never been known in my family as an organized and clean person (not hygienically). I have been working very hard to change that. I hope people start to notice.

Making Jam
Thursday, February 16, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Yesterday I decided to try out Agar Agar powder when making jam.  I know berries in this area are out of season, but I needed new jam and wanted to try a new recipe.  I purchased 36oz of natural blackberries (they were on sale) for this experiment.  I also purchased some Agar Agar powder. Agar Agar powder is a vegan gelatin and is used in petri dishes to make bacteria grow. I just thought that was an interesting factoid. I usually use pectin when making jam since it is much cheaper than the Agar powder, but I had to try it.

Here is how I made my blackberry jam and please ignore the blurry photos, my iPhone didn't want to cooperate:
Rinse your berries throughly with hot water and shake the colander as rinsing. (shown in my Preserve colander)
Place half of the berries into your blender and puree for about 10 seconds.  You still want the puree to be slightly lumpy for texture. When you are done pureeing the berries, place them in a pot.
Add your other ingredients to the puree:
2 tsps of agar agar powder per 2 cups of liquid
2 cups of organic sugar (I split my sweet ingredient between sugar and stevia to lower the calorie count)
Bring to a boil and lower the heat to medium.
Stir until fully mixed.
Allow the mix to boil until it has reduced about a 4th.
Bring out your sanitized jars and fill each jar with 1" remaining at the top. (Mixture should fill 6 7oz jars)
Clean the edge of the jars before closing. 
Place the jars in a canning pot with 1" of water covering the jars.
Bring the pot to a boil and boil for about 20-25 minutes.

When the jars have sealed you can leave them in the pot to cool or remove them to a heat resistant surface to cool.
Check the seal of one of the jars.

My opinion of the agar agar powder is that it sets very quickly, is still spreadable even if it seems solid and does not change the flavor of the jam.  It is about 5 times more expensive than pectin and does not have the typical gelatin texture of pectin.

I also took some photos of ridiculous amounts of plastic at Target the other day:
You receive five cents back for every bag you bring to the store. . . .that can add up over time.

More Lifestyle Changes
Monday, February 13, 2012 | Author: Unknown
While I was petsitting my parents' two dogs and african grey parrot, I made more changes to my lifestyle. I have purchased more bins and tools to help me de-clutter and organize my life and home. I purchased two of the Umbra "crunchable hampers" to use at the grocery store and maybe the farmer's market.  I bought both in the green colour.  I have already used one and I really like it.  It fits perfectly in a cart and holds everything I purchase.  
I also purchased two of these bins to help organize my large amount of printer paper. 
I also splurged on a Diva Cup. I will try it and give you guys a review later on.  
My mom gave me a strange look, as usual since I started making these eco-friendly changes to my life.  You should have seen her reaction to my use of the jars. Of course where my parents live, the idea of taking your own containers is awesome, but still very strange.  I have definitely already seen benefits from using jars.  I buy less and waste less food. I have also been using up foods in my cabinets that had been "lost" in the chaos of how the cabinets used to be.  My life feels less stressful since I actually know where everything is now.

I did have a breakthrough with my mom though.  I made her some homemade all purpose cleaner.  The other day she tried it on their parrot's cage and loved it! She claims the vinegar based cleaner dissolves the feces and foods scraps very well. At least I convinced her to change one thing.

Jeremy Irons on Plastic Bags
Thursday, February 09, 2012 | Author: Unknown
I couldn't resist posting this mockumentary.

Homemade Toothpaste
Monday, February 06, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Here is how I make my own peppermint toothpaste.
one jar or containers
baking soda
stevia powder
peppermint extract (optional)

Place the following in your container or a bowl
add 3 tablespoons baking soda
add 1 tablespoon stevia
whisk together the dry ingredients
add a dash (about 1/2 a teaspoon) of peppermint extract
while stirring the mixture with a fork begin to add water to make into a paste, thickness of the paste is based on your preferences

Cover your toothpaste and use! I prefer adding the peppermint in order to get that "fresh, clean" feeling after using the toothpaste.  I also believe it helps my breath.  Please remember that there is alcohol in the extract.  This toothpaste is not to be swallowed.
Green Living Tips
Sunday, February 05, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Do: Purchase bulk, unpackaged un processed items like grains, sugar, etc

Don't: Use plastic containers. These containers may leak harmful chemicals and fumes

Do: Use glass or ceramic storage containers. These containers are non toxic.

Don't: Purchase processed foods. These foods are made with harmful chemicals and are very bad for you.

Do: Take your own bags and containers to the grocery store and farmers market.  This saves you time (you won't be fiddling with opening the plastic bags) and it will lower your trash amount while preventing more bags being put in the landfill. (I sew my own produce bags and use Bormioli Jars for Meats and Cheeses)

Do: Use your own glass or metal water bottle (I use a Modern Water Bottle by Takeya)

Don't: Overstock on canned foods. Canned foods are now known to leak BPA and are also very high in sodium and other hormones and chemicals.

Do: Make your own nontoxic house hold cleaners. This is good for the environment and your wallet.

Do: Stock reusable items. Reusing items is very good for the environment because they don't end up in a landfill and are also great for your wallet.

Do: Wash your laundry in cold water. This prevents colors from bleeding and saves energy.

Do: Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.  This is healthier for you and prevents the use of unneeded energy.

Here is how I make my homemade all-purpose household cleaner.  This is a common recipe and my measurements may be different from other versions.  This cleaner is extremely effective.


2 1/2 cups White Vinegar (either buy in bulk or in a glass bottle)
2 tablespoons Castile Soap (use Lavender scented)
3 cups Water
34 oz glass/spray bottle (bottle shown purchased at Ikea)

Take your bottle and place a funnel in the opening.
Pour in your vinegar
Add your castile soap
Slowly add your water. The mixture will begin to create suds, so add water very slowly.

When all of the ingredients are in, close the bottle and shake lightly.
Add to spray bottle when needed. The castile soap and vinegar may separate, just shake the solution again.

Use this cleaner with microfiber cloths for best results.

Tip: To clean windows, just use water with your microfiber cloths.

Here are my new stainless steel utensils:

To give you an idea of how much tupperware my mom has, here is a photo of her cabinet:
I feel so free since I donated all of mine except my Preserve ones.
More Zero Waste Strategies
Saturday, February 04, 2012 | Author: Unknown
This week I am pet sitting my parents two dogs and parrot while they treat my grandparents to a cruise to Belize.  Their house is very different than mine now.  They rely more than anything on processed and packaged foods/items.  My mom gave me strange looks when I took my jars and bags to the store.  She understands, but thinks it's too different to do.

I will be buying my coffee in bulk and grinding it at home from now on.  It is cheaper and you know the coffee is fresh.  You can then store the coffee in an airtight container like a larger fido hermetic jar.

I will say one thing, they are lucky when it comes to their milk.  Their grocery stores carry Oberweis Dairy Products.  It's a dairy company in Northern Illinois.  Oberweis sells their milk in returnable and reusable glass bottles.  I am jealous.  My co op used to sell milk in glass bottles, but I don't know what happened.  I am going to keep two of the bottles for myself.  They are very useful for storing things.

While shopping at one of their local grocery stores, I saw roma tomatoes on sale for $0.38 a lb.  I bought about 5 lbs and made it into tomato paste/unseasoned sauce.  I made exactly 2.5 liters of canned tomatoes.
I will say one thing, the hermetic jars do take longer to properly seal than the mason jars.  I used my hermetic jars because the entire thing is reusable.  Unfortunately, the lid of the mason jars aren't reusable.
I have also noticed that it is soo easy to marinate meat in the jars.  I have been adding cut garlic cloves, pepper, salt and lemon juice to the meat over night. Definitely saves time.  To also prevent creating waste, cook your meal in one dish.  I cook a lot of my food in one skillet at the same time.  I first place my vegetables in the skillet with 1/2 cup of water.  Put the heat on high, add your meat, oil and spices.  Cook until finished, you may want to flip your protein over to fully cook it.

What zero waste ideas have you come up with?
Great Anti-Plastic Bag Video
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 | Author: Unknown