Green Living Tips
Sunday, February 05, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Do: Purchase bulk, unpackaged un processed items like grains, sugar, etc

Don't: Use plastic containers. These containers may leak harmful chemicals and fumes

Do: Use glass or ceramic storage containers. These containers are non toxic.

Don't: Purchase processed foods. These foods are made with harmful chemicals and are very bad for you.

Do: Take your own bags and containers to the grocery store and farmers market.  This saves you time (you won't be fiddling with opening the plastic bags) and it will lower your trash amount while preventing more bags being put in the landfill. (I sew my own produce bags and use Bormioli Jars for Meats and Cheeses)

Do: Use your own glass or metal water bottle (I use a Modern Water Bottle by Takeya)

Don't: Overstock on canned foods. Canned foods are now known to leak BPA and are also very high in sodium and other hormones and chemicals.

Do: Make your own nontoxic house hold cleaners. This is good for the environment and your wallet.

Do: Stock reusable items. Reusing items is very good for the environment because they don't end up in a landfill and are also great for your wallet.

Do: Wash your laundry in cold water. This prevents colors from bleeding and saves energy.

Do: Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.  This is healthier for you and prevents the use of unneeded energy.

Here is how I make my homemade all-purpose household cleaner.  This is a common recipe and my measurements may be different from other versions.  This cleaner is extremely effective.


2 1/2 cups White Vinegar (either buy in bulk or in a glass bottle)
2 tablespoons Castile Soap (use Lavender scented)
3 cups Water
34 oz glass/spray bottle (bottle shown purchased at Ikea)

Take your bottle and place a funnel in the opening.
Pour in your vinegar
Add your castile soap
Slowly add your water. The mixture will begin to create suds, so add water very slowly.

When all of the ingredients are in, close the bottle and shake lightly.
Add to spray bottle when needed. The castile soap and vinegar may separate, just shake the solution again.

Use this cleaner with microfiber cloths for best results.

Tip: To clean windows, just use water with your microfiber cloths.

Here are my new stainless steel utensils:

To give you an idea of how much tupperware my mom has, here is a photo of her cabinet:
I feel so free since I donated all of mine except my Preserve ones.
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