Recipe and a Great Green Bargain!
Sunday, January 29, 2012 | Author: Unknown

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Here is the recipe for my homemade Vanilla Extract:

(bottle was purchased at Hobby Lobby)

slice two vanilla beans in half and then chop it up into 1.5" increments
place the beans inside the bottle
add the 400mL of vodka to the bottle with a funnel

Shake everyday and keep out of direct sunlight. Your extract should be useable within two weeks. Just continue to add more vodka and beans as you use the extract.

Today I went to Staples to pick up some dishwasher safe labels for my jars (for stable items such as flour, salt, etc.). While there I saw a package of 48 Marcal earth friendly rolls of toilet paper for only $24.99! Compared to Seventh Generation, the price was right.  The toilet paper is 100% recycled paper. Each roll is wrapped in it's own paper, which can easily be recycled. The biggest downside is obvious, the plastic wrapping. I figure it is better than buying smaller amounts of toilet paper, which are also wrapped in plastic. I won't be buying any paper for quite a while. Since there are no places that sell Seventh Generation in bulk, I will continue to purchase my toilet paper from Staples. I know it sounds strange. hahaha

I would also like to mention that Hobby Lobby has all of their glass jars 50% off. I recently purchased 10+ jars for $34.00.

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