Who am I?
Saturday, January 21, 2012 | Author: Unknown
Hi! I'm Liz and I have started this blog mainly for myself.  I want to archive what I am doing to help make my world a better place to live.  Here are a few facts about myself:

- I live in Iowa (very cold!)
- I am an avid knitter (most gifts I give are wool hand knits such as socks or hats)
- I live with my 5.5 year old Australian Shepherd and 8 year old adopted Cockatiel
- I have a bachelors from the University of Iowa
- I am willing and wanting to give as close to a zero lifestyle I can a chance
- I am newly engaged to the love of my life

So, let's talk about zero waste.  I have been following Bea's zero waste lifestyle for quite a while. I was most recently inspired because I will be moving soon and need to cut down on the amount of "stuff" I have.  I believe by going zero waste and cutting out unnecessary things, it will be easier to move me into a smaller place.  I also am on a weight loss journey and eating fresher and healthier food also helps.

Here are some tips to start living a zero waste lifestyle (remember you don't have to do these things):

- go through EVERYTHING and donate unnecessary things
- clean out your pantries and refrigerator of all expired items
- begin to use up all foods in plastic or paper containers or bags
- try to recycle everything possible
- lower the amount of processed food you purchased
- begin to make house hold items and favourite foods at home
- learn to love your vegetables
- purchased either glass or plastic holding containers for foods
- make or purchase produce bags
- begin to purchase foods in bulk and/or free standing foods
- ignore and walk past prepackaged foods (they tend to be bad for your wallet as well as your body)
- purchase a reusable coffee mug and water bottle
- stop buying magazines! (ok this was a little hard for me since I like to rip recipes, etc out of magazines)
- wear your jeans for a week (seriously)
- use rags or microfiber towels instead of paper towels (this was the easiest thing to do!)
- use up all of your toxic cleaners or take them to a place where they can rid of them properly

Okay! Well, it's time for bed. I hope everyone has enjoyed this post. Tomorrow I will post about the changes I have made in my bathroom and show you my shopping kit!
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